rec.pets.herp "Frequent Posters"

Name: Bob Huey, also Gonzo BobH
Age: 40
Location: Colorado, en route to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Occupation: Army, Sergeant First Class
Currently Kept Critters:
Bearded Dragon 0.1.0
Amelanistic Corn Snake 0.1.0
Motley Corn Snake 1.0.0
Ball Pythons 0.0.2
Western Hognose Snake 0.1.0
Mexican Hognose Snake 1.0.0
Gopher Snake 0.0.1
Red Rat Snake 0.0.1
Venezuelan Green Bottle Blue Tarantula 0.0.1
Indian Ornamental Tarantula 0.0.1
Orange Baboon Tarantula 0.0.1
Rescued Dog 0.1.0
Rescued Cat 1.0.0
Rescued Guinea Pig 0.1.0
About Me:

Hi all. I have more than 20 years in the Army.  I am a Libertarian, a rationalist, and free thinker. I read banned books (highly recommend James W. Loewen). Most honestly I love liberty, perhaps as much as our founding fathers did! My hobbies include my Mustang, arachnids, snakes, and guns.

I will be out of country for a couple of years, and probably placing my snakes while I am gone (go on and hate me ;o). My R.P.H. interest is stronger towards arachnids of late, and upon return to the states I may settle with just one snake, a boa constrictor (not sure which flavor), and a host of spiders.

Though I have lived in Colorado for the last four years, been overseas a couple of times, and I had grown up in New York -- my heart resides in the deserts of the West. I will call Arizona home regardless of where my feet take me.

Lastly, I am married and have two awesome children. One's off to college, and the other is my petite herp helper. Except she falls in love with those feeder rodents way too quickly.

Peace all,