rec.pets.herp "Frequent Posters"

Name: Annemarie Beyer, also Anna, c1c0
Age: 24
Location: Vittorio Veneto (TV) Italy
Occupation: Car mechanic
Currently Kept Critters:
4.8 Corn Snakes (+ some hatchlings now and then)
1.1 Green tree pythons
About Me:

I am German, moved to Italy at 18.

Besides work I frequent a professional school for car engineers, again a
year and it will be done! Besides reptiles I also like flowers, chocolate,
motorbikes and traveling.

My passion for reptiles started for coincidence: last year in spring I caught a small lizard baby and on fair in summer I get my first snake and the more I entered in the argument the more I get addicted and now only the low frequency of expos and the lacking of money keep me from increasing my reptile stock too fast.