rec.pets.herp "Frequent Posters"

Name:  frogz, aka Kira B.  
Age: 27  
Location: Fountain, FL  USA  
Occupation: Instructor/Event Coordinator for a children's museum  
Currently Kept Critters:
2.0.0 Cats (Alice and Cheshire)
2.0.0 Shetland Sheepdogs (Prince and Wrigley)
1.0.0 Ferret (Stinky)
0.1.0 Sugar Glider (Sugar)
0.0.1 Blue Front Conure (Paulie, I didn't pick the name)
0.0.1 Patagonian Conure (Arrow)
0.0.1 Yellow Nape Amazon (Darwin)
1.0.0 American Paint Horse (Jose)
2.1.0 Bearded Dragons
1.1.0 Savu Pythons
1.1.0 Leopard Geckos
1.0.0 White Lipped Mud Turtle
0.0.1 Side Necked Turtle of dubious origin
1.1.0 White's Tree Frogs
1.1.0 Argentine Horned Frogs
2.2.0 Green Tree Frogs
0.0.2 Squirrel Tree Frogs
0.0.14 Anoles  
About Me:

 I have been an animal lover all my life, but did not become active with reptiles and amphibians until my college years.   During break between classes, I would go outside to view and capture (temporarily) various species of local frogs.  I was dubbed the Frog Lady.   After realizing that I was utterly fascinated by the green, squishy critters, I became obsessed with building tropical vivariums to house them in.  My sister gave me my first Red Eye Tree Frog and it's been downhill since then.

In 1999, a small group of reptile lovers (myself and two others), responded to the problem of several local pet stores being charged with animal neglect by starting a reptile society.  Bay County Reptile and Amphibian Society was born.  I resided as president of the society for roughly 3 1/2 years, after which I resigned.  Somehow though, I seem to still be in charge of it. 

Hobbies/interests: writing/journalism, cooking, cake decorating, horseback riding, herping, reading (especially the works of Ayn Rand).

Dislikes:  Neighbors, people that eat with their mouths open, people that don't whistle well but do it anyway, soggy cereal, roaches, rednecks that run over snakes on the road, movies that will show women in the nude but always manage to cover the vital parts of the male.

My motto:  I don't ask for much, all I want in life, is to own all the land that is touching my land.