rec.pets.herp "Frequent Posters"

Name: Benjamin Wunder, aka FSUGuy
Age: 19
Location: Tallahassee, Florida USA
Occupation: Student, hoping to be a programmer some day
Currently Kept Critters:
Albino Corn 0.0.1 (since April '03)
Yellow-bellied sliders: 0.0.2 (since June '02)
Red-eared sliders: 0.0.2 (since Nov '02)
Green Iguana: 0.0.1 (Names Zeus, hopefully 1.0.0) (since Jan '03)
African Clawed frog: 0.0.1 (since Jan '03)
Goldfish 0.0.26 (since Nov '02)
About Me:
I've kept turtles since I was twelve, and wanted an iguana and a snake since I was 6.  Now that I'm livin on my own, my mom can't forbid me from owning a rodent-eating animal, and my dad can't forbid me from owning an electricity-eating iguana.  So I have them both. :)
I was born in Morehead City, NC.  As a military dependant, I moved to Denver, CO where I lived till I was 2; Beaufort, SC where I lived until I was 8; Vienna, VA where I lived until I was 9; Jacksonville, NC where I lived until I was 18; and Tallahassee, FL where I currently reside.  I'm way deep into reptiles, love computers, and enjoy an occasional cigarette now and then (approx 20 times daily).  I deliver pizzas in a 1990 Pontiac Firebird, makin money so I can pay for my herps and fix my car.