rec.pets.herp "Frequent Posters"

Name: Dave Clem AKA shimbathesnake
Age: 37
Location: Devon England  
Occupation: Q.A. manager
Currently Kept Critters:
Standings Day Gecko 1.0.0
Leopard Gecko 1.4.0
Girdled Lizard   1.0.0
Northern Pine Snake 1.1.0
Tiger Geckos   1.1.1
Blue Tongued Skinks 2.0.0   (OH BUGGER it should have been 1.1.0)
Tokay 1.0.0
Western Hognose Snake 1.1.0
Bairds Ratsnakes 2.0.0
Corn Snakes 0.0.2
Royal (Ball) Pythons 1.1.0
Red Tailed Boa 1.0.0
Variable Kingsnake 0.0.1
Curly Hair Tarantula 0.1.0
Orange Arboreal Baboon Spider 0.0.1
Chacoan Horned Frog 1.0.0
Grey Tree Frogs 1.1.0
Giant African Land Snakes (Skinks love um)
Rascal The Dog
Boss The African Grey Parrot
About Me:

I’m a committee member of the South Western Herpetological Society  ( UK )

And look after the library (contains over 450 book, 60 vidios, loads of audio tapes and slides. Plus papers and newsletter from other societies from around the world.

 Other Interests include Cub Scouting, I’m the commissioner that looks after all the cub packs in my district. My visits usually involve a snakes/ reptile talk.

 And kites

 You can see from the list above I’m almost 40 but show no signs at all of growing up!