rec.pets.herp "Frequent Posters"

Name: ~Adam~ "Whitford" <--- post handle
Age: 21
Location: Northern New York USA
Occupation: I'm a student at SUNY Canton, going for Criminal Justice.  I used to go to Houghton Christian College for Computer Science but soon found out that I don't really want to sit in front of a computer for the rest of my life. :o)  I currently work at a library and at a drug store.
Currently Kept Critters:
1.0.0 Eublepharis macularius (Leopard Gecko)
1.0.0 Chamaeleo calyptratus (Veiled Chameleon)
0.0.1 A. australis (Fat-Tail Scorpion)
--look after--
0.0.1 Water Dragon (irresponsible owner)
About Me:
Well,  I love to read.  I have more books than I have room for! :o)  I also love to go fishing but hate hunting (I don't see a point in killing animals for fun...).  I also LOVE to travel.  My favorite places were TX and AZ, but the craziest trip was to Spain.  I have been a lizard/invertebrate keeper since I was 12 when I got my first skink and emperor scorpion.  Living up here in the North Country has been pretty crappy so when I'm done with college, next year, my girl and I are going to move to Phoenix, AZ. I live with my parents right now (to keep down on costs while in college) so my herp room is limited, but I get along great with them.